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Pingree applauds climate change talks in Paris

Says Maine is already feeling effects of climate change

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today applauded the meeting of world leaders in Paris this week to negotiate a global strategy for addressing climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions. 

“It’s powerful to see so many world leaders come together to acknowledge the harsh reality of climate change and commit to addressing it.  I especially appreciate President Obama’s leadership in taking steps to cut our greenhouse gas emissions while building our economy through clean energy,” said Pingree.  “Whether it’s rising sea levels, ocean acidification, or declining fisheries, we’re already seeing the effects of climate change in Maine.  I hope that the conversations in Paris yield effective and comprehensive actions to head off even worse impacts here and around the world.” 
While talks in Paris go on, the House is set to vote this week on legislation that would overturn the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, which cuts emissions from power plants, the country’s largest source of greenhouse gases.

“As countries across the world come together to fight climate change, America must also do its part,” said Pingree.  “This legislation would not only undercut our leadership, but create serious harm to ourselves and future generations.”  

Pingree is a vice-chair of the House Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition. 

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