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Community Project Funding

FY2025 Projects and Disclosures

Each year, the United States Congress considers and enacts annual appropriations bills that provide the federal government with the funding it needs to operate. These appropriations bills fund a wide range of federal government operations, including medical research, clean air and water programs, and national defense. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee since 2013, I’m proud to fight for federal assistance to support communities across Maine.

Community Project Funding (CPF) is a critical tool to directly enrich our communities and a vital instrument that has facilitated member-to-member cooperation between the parties for decades. By giving all members an equal stake in the success of legislation for our constituents, the reintroduction of Community Project Funding will make Congress work better and heal the widening partisan divisions that threaten our democratic process.

The deadline for submitting FY25 CPF requests to Congresswoman Pingree’s office was 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Learn more about past years’ projects below!

In Fiscal Year 2024, I funded 15 projects that will bring much-needed resources to Maine. Click here for a list of my selected projects and disclosures, and read more coverage here.

In Fiscal Year 2023, I was proud to fund 15 excellent projects across the District. You can read the project descriptions here, and read more coverage here.

In Fiscal Year 2022, I secured funding for 10 worthy Maine projects. Click here for more details.

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