Press Releases
‘The people of Maine are infinitely better for having you as an advocate, a neighbor, and friend’: On House Floor, Pingree Honors Longtime Office CaseworkerSkeek Frazee retired this month after 12 years of working for Congresswoman Chellie Pingree as a caseworker, specializing in helping constituents with immigration, veterans’ benefits, and military sexual trauma cases
July 12, 2022
After 12 years, a beloved and dedicated member of Congresswoman Chellie Pingree’s (D-Maine) staff retired this month. Skeek Frazee, who lives in South Portland, has worked through several administrations and national and global crises, and has won awards for her work in helping Maine immigrants. Before joining Pingree’s staff, Skeek worked for Planned Parenthood helping women get better access to health care. In June, Pingree honored Skeek and her years of public service by speaking on the House floor, officially recognizing her in the Congressional Record. “I believe the great majority of us who work in this institution do so because we want to make life better for our neighbors. Skeek exemplifies that spirit,” Pingree said in her remarks to Congress. Pingree’s full remarks honoring Skeek’s dedication to the people of Maine was submitted to the Congressional Record on June 23, 2022, which can be read online here or below. -- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and congratulate a great Mainer, Skeek Frazee. Skeek is retiring this month after 12 dedicated years of constituent service to the people of Maine's First District. I believe the great majority of us who work in this institution do so because we want to make life better for our neighbors. Skeek exemplifies that spirit. For over a decade, she has committed herself to some of the most challenging and sensitive cases that come through my office. She's fought for asylum seekers and refugees who have lived through horrors in their home country. It's no exaggeration to say that hundreds of new Mainers can build thriving new lives because of her help. And she's known across the country for her work advocating for survivors of military sexual trauma, bravely seeking benefits that they deserve from the VA. Beyond her considerable skill as a caseworker, she's also mentored countless interns, been unfailingly generous, hilarious, and a kind colleague, and become a treasured friend to so many of us in and outside of her office. Skeek, the people of Maine are infinitely better for having you as an advocate, a neighbor and friend. We'll miss you dearly. And we wish you the very best in your next chapter. Thank you. ### |