I am honored to represent a state with so many veterans who have served our country bravely. I think it's our responsibility to take care of those who have taken care of us. Please call my Portland office at (207) 774-5019 if you have questions or concerns about the benefits you've earned, including assistance with VA claims, VA health care, and replacement military medals and awards.

Jobs | MST | Benefits | Healthcare | Readjustment Support | Memorials |Long-term Care | Legal Assistance | Financial Assistance | Veteran Homelessness
The VA, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, and Department of Education have created an integrated online job board where veterans can search for openings that fit their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Other resources on the site include access to career counseling and a resume builder. Go here for the Veterans Employment Center.

Military Sexual Trauma
Click here for a list of resources and organizations who offer assistance to MST survivors
Veterans Benefits
Togus VA Maine Medical/Regional Office Center
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides a variety of services and benefits to honorably discharged Veterans of the U. S. Military and their Dependents. Go hereto find the nearest VA facility to inquire about their Veterans benefits or health care services.
Health care
Augusta: VA Maine Healthcare System-Togus
Togus is a 67-operating bed facility with general medical, surgical, intermediate and mental health beds, as well as a 100-bed Nursing Home consisting of 50 Skilled and Longer Stay beds, and a 50-bed Dementia Unit. The oldest veterans' facility in the country, having opened in the fall of 1866, Togus is located five miles east of Augusta.
Outpatient Clinics and Mental Health Services
In addition to its main facility at Togus, the VA runs a number of veterans clinics across the state.
Readjustment Support
Vet Centers offer a wide range of services to help veterans and their families make a successful transition from military to civilian life. Services include individual and group counseling, marital and family counseling, bereavement counseling, medical and benefits referrals, and employment counseling
Offices in Bangor, Caribou, Lewiston, Machias, Portland, Springvale, Waterville, and Togus. Maine Veterans' Services is a state agency established in 1947 to ensure Maine veterans and families receive all entitlements they are due, offer support during times of financial hardship, and provide educational opportunities.
Veterans Memorial Services
Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery System
Part of Maine Veterans' Services, the system has three cemeteries: in Augusta, Caribou, and Springvale.
Military Funeral Honors Program
The Maine Military Funeral Honors Program was established in 2003 in support of the great need to provide honors for Maine's Veterans. For more information or to request Military Funeral Honors, please visit their website atwww.funeralhonors.org.
Togus National Cemetery
Togus National Cemetery is located in Kennebec County, in the town of Chelsea, on the grounds of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical and Regional Office Center.
Longterm Care
Maine veterans homes
Dedicated to caring for those who served, the Maine Veterans’ Homes operates 640 beds in six facilities across the state, providing a continuum of care and support services for residents and families.
Legal Assistance
Pine Tree Legal is a nonprofit organization providing free legal counseling to low-income Maine veterans.
Stateside Legal helps veterans access benefits, connect with legal resources, and with legal questions.
Financial Assistance
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau offers financial management resources to veterans and their families, information about veterans-specific laws and programs, and help with problem lenders. Go here to file a complaint.
Veteran Homelessness
For a list of veteran homelessness resources in Maine, visit the Maine Bureau of Veterans Services here.