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2025 Projects and Disclosures

  1. Midcoast Youth Center Expansion
    Recipient: Midcoast Community Alliance
    Amount requested: $1,500,000
    Description: Midcoast Youth Center requests $1,500,000 to renovate their building to enhance the services they offer to youth, young adults, and families to improve mental well-being and economic outcomes in Sagadahoc County and beyond. The expanded complex will offer a career center, social work, a community-based health center, housing, and long-term mentoring for at-risk youth ages 10 through 24.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  2. Regional School Unit (RSU) 13 Auditorium
    Recipient: Regional School Unit (RSU) 13
    Amount requested: $1,512,500
    Description: Regional School Unit (RSU) 13 in Rockland, Maine, requests $1,512,500 to support the renovation of Oceanside High School Auditorium, which is currently in disrepair. The renovation will allow for additional educational efforts, community access, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  3. South Thomaston Library and Community Center Construction
    Recipient: South Thomaston Library and Community Center Auxiliary
    Amount requested: $2,595,000
    Description: South Thomaston Library and Community Center Auxiliary requests $2,595,000 to support building a new library and community center facility. The town’s community center burned down in 1967 and has not been rebuilt, leaving the town without a gathering place. In addition, the town’s former library was 500 square feet, and no longer meets the needs of the growing community. A new library and community center would provide a space big enough for town meetings and a library with space to house a children’s room, a maker’s space, a reading room, a small community meeting room, and more. These functions will allow the small village to honor literacy and foster town-wide cohesiveness.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  4. Town of Friendship Wharf Repair
    Recipient: Town of Friendship
    Amount requested: $975,000
    Description: The Town of Friendship requests $975,000 to replace its municipal wharf and repair the abutment which has recently been damaged by three 100-year storms that hit the town in December of 2023 and January of 2024. It is considered a critical portion to the town’s infrastructure providing access to the water. Specifically, Friendship is served by the Waldoboro Emergency Medical Services and medical emergencies on islands are services through this wharf.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  5. United Society of Shakers Community Development Hub
    Recipient: United Society of Shakers, Sabbathday Lake, Inc.
    Amount requested: $3,950,000
    Description: The United Society of Shakers requests $3,950,000 to support final phases of creating a year-round rural community development hub through public programs of the Herb House Cultural Center and Visitors’ House Welcome Center. The Herb House Cultural Center will support year-round farming, crafts production, and community education. The Visitors’ House Welcome Center will serve as a hub for educational classrooms, public restrooms, and farm-to-table programs.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  6. Accelerating the Development of Plastic Alternatives and Other Products Derived from Maine’s Natural Resources
    Recipient: Northeastern University Portland
    Amount requested: $1,499,998
    Description: Northeastern University Portland is requesting $1,499,998 to invest in equipment for advanced manufacturing of accessible research from ideation to product development in the next generation of bioproducts derived from natural resources such as timber, agricultural waste, and seaweed.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  7. University of Maine School of Law Pilot Criminal Justice Clinic
    Recipient: The University of Maine School of Law
    Amount requested: $1,000,000
    Description: The University of Maine is requesting funds to establish a pilot Criminal Justice Clinic that will support the state’s overstretched criminal justice system and reduce the backlog of criminal adjudications in Maine by providing student attorneys in indigent defense cases.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement
  8. Clinton Water District Railroad and Church Streets Utility Upgrades
    Clinton Water District
    Amount requested: $2,180,000
    Description: The Clinton Water District is requesting $2,180,000 to replace the sewer main along Railroad and Church Streets, which is from the late 1940s and is nearing the end of its useful life. Funds will be used for construction of a new sewer main.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  9. North Berwick Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Facility and Pumping Stations Reliability Upgrades
    North Berwick Sanitary District
    Amount requested: $3,000,000
    Description: The North Berwick Sanitary District is requesting funds to upgrade their Wastewater Treatment Facility to replace aging equipment, including pump stations, that has reached the end of its useful life and become less energy efficient.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  10. North Haven Wastewater Treatment Upgrades
    Town of North Haven
    Amount requested: $3,200,000
    Description: The Town of North Haven is requesting funds to upgrade components of the original North Haven 1986 wastewater treatment plant and increase the facility’s resilience to sea level rise and other climate-related damages and comply with regulations limiting the land application of biosolids.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  11. Regional School Unit 14 Campus Wastewater Conveyance Project
    Town of Windham
    Amount requested: $1,000,000
    Description: The Town of Windham is requesting funds to extend the North Windham Sewer Line to the Windham High School Campus. This critical infrastructure project would allow the school district to retire its outdated 1960s-era wastewater treatment plant that currently discharges treated effluent into the Pleasant River (a Class B River).

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  12. South Berwick Sewer District Wastewater Treatment Facility Resiliency, Reliability, and Nutrient Removal Optimization Upgrades
    South Berwick Sewer District
    Amount requested: $3,000,000
    Description: The South Berwick Sewer District is requesting funds to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment facility’s 60-year-old influent pump station (which serves the entirety of the District), add flood protection measures to provide resiliency to climate change, and mitigate flood damage to critical equipment.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  13. City of Waterville Downtown Development
    City of Waterville
    Amount requested: $1,534,572
    Description: The City of Waterville is requesting $1,534,572 to support Phase 2 in its ongoing downtown development project, including three pedestrianization elements targeting underserved residents and businesses.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  14. Damariscotta Community and Pedestrian Connector
    Town of Damariscotta
    Amount requested: $3,540,000
    Description: The Town of Damariscotta requests $3,540,000 to assist in the construction of over two miles of on- and off-road pedestrian infrastructure in an effort to connect the historic downtown with vital community resources.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

  15. Town of Chebeague Island Stone Pier
    Town of Chebeague Island
    Amount requested: $1,181,250
    Description: The funding would be used to improve the road infrastructure surrounding the Town of Chebeague Island’s Stone Pier, making its use safer and more resilient. These funds will help to mitigate the impact of high tide and storm surges on the road and parking areas, allowing more reliable use for emergency services, children traveling to school, and residents’ general access to the mainland.

    Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Statement

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