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FDA decides to reevaluate "healthy" label standards

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today welcomed news that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has agreed to reevaluate the standards for foods labeled "healthy."  Pingree has been pushing the FDA to update those standards since KIND Snacks and leading nutrition and public health experts filed a Citizen Petition last December, asking FDA to reevaluate its requirements to emphasize the importance of nutrient-dense ingredients as part of healthy eating patterns.
"The regulations were, quite frankly, outdated.  The focus was on things like fat content and didn't take into account modern dietary science that shows moderate amounts of some fats are important parts of a healthy diet," Pingree said. "That meant a Pop Tart could be labeled healthy but not a snack bar made with nuts and almonds."
The FDA announced yesterday that they would reevaluate federal standards to reflect current dietary science.

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