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Pingree says Dr. Ben Carson not qualified to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Federal agency runs numerous programs critical to Maine communities and families

Federal agency runs numerous programs critical to Maine communities and families

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree released the following statement today on news that President-elect Trump has chosen surgeon Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

“The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development oversees many programs that are critical to Maine communities and families. To name just a few, Community Development Block Grants help fund infrastructure improvements in our downtowns, affordable housing programs and rental assistance ensure that people in need have a roof over their heads, and Federal Housing Authority mortgage guarantees make the dream of home ownership possible for thousands of Maine families. I worry for the future of these important programs if Dr. Ben Carson is confirmed as Secretary.

“As any employer knows, you should base hiring decisions on someone’s relevant experience and skill set. By his own admission, Dr. Carson has neither.  He expressed just last month that he has no experience in government and has never run this scale of operation. Maine and the country deserve better. HUD is simply too important to have someone so uniquely unqualified at the helm.” 

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