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Energy and Environment

Pingree applauds climate change talks in Paris

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today applauded the meeting of world leaders in Paris this week to negotiate a global strategy for addressing climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.  “It’s powerful to see so many world leaders come together to acknowledge the harsh reality of climate change and commit to addressing it.  I especially appreciate President…

Reps. Pingree and Poliquin says Maine rural businesses to get $1.7 million for efficiency, clean energy projects

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Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin said today that 14 small businesses in rural Maine will be getting $1.7 million in USDA funding to invest in efficiency and clean energy projects.  The grants, through the USDA's Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), fund projects like solar panels, anaerobic digesters to create electricity from waste, and thermal conversion…

Statement on Presidents Clean Power Plan

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“I applaud President Obama for taking bold action to address climate change. Maine communities are already dealing with the effects of climate change and carbon emissions, including rising sea levels, more extreme weather, and ocean acidification. ..."

Opposing Republican bill to limit EPA regulation of greenhouse gas pollution

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree opposed a bill in Congress today that would dramatically undercut the EPA's ability to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from power plants. "Climate change is real and we are already seeing the result of it in Maine and all over the world.  It threatens our economy, it threatens the health of our families, and it threatens our safety and security,"…

Pingree opposes bill that would put Keystone pipeline on fast track

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted against a bill that would rush through permitting of the controversial Keystone pipeline. "This bill is an end-run on the process that is already in place and gives a construction permit to TransCanada to build a pipeline for dirty tar sands oil to be shipped through the United States," Pingree said. "It effectively exempts TransCanada’s Keystone…

New record temperatures highlight need to address climate change

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said a new report out today from NOAA and NASA showing that 2014 was the warmest on record highlights the need to focus on cutting back on global warming pollution. "It may not feel like global warming on a day like today, but this report makes it clear the planet is warming. It's another piece of evidence that climate change is real, it's…

Opposing bill to rush through Keystone pipeline approval

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted against a bill today that would ram through permitting of the controversial Keystone pipeline, bypassing the approval process that is already underway. "I don't think the Keystone pipeline is in the national interest because it would create very few American jobs and do little to address our energy needs," Pingree said. "But this bill doesn't even…

Pingree opposes bill to give tar sands pipeline free pass on environmental standards

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Dirty tar sands oil would flow through proposed pipeline for sale overseas As Congress went back to work this week, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said she would vote against a Republican bill that would let the TransCanada Corporation bypass environmental permitting requirements to build the Keystone XL Pipeline. "This is a bad deal for the environment and a bad deal for…

Michaud and Pingree help restore funding for tidal power in federal spending bill

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Says investment will support jobs, new sources of clean energy in Maine Congressman Michael Michaud and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree helped restore $9 million in funding for a program that has already invested over $18 million in Maine tidal projects since 2008. Michaud, who had previously led a House effort to support funding for the program, joined Pingree, a member of the…

Praising EPA proposal on global warming pollution

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Says climate change already affecting Maine; new regulations will give a boost to Maine clean energy industry Congresswoman Chellie Pingree had praise today for a proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to cut carbon pollution from power plants by 30% by 2030. "I know the big oil and coal companies will try to fight this, but cutting global warming pollution from…

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