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Energy and Environment

Canadian pipeline decision shows need for US oversight

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Approval for pipeline reversal by Canadian officials brings tar sands oil to Maine's backyard Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said a decision today to allow a Canadian company to reverse the flow of a crude oil pipeline between the Great Lakes and Montreal shows the need for regulatory oversight of a pipeline that runs across Maine. The ruling by Canadian officials would allow the…

Federal Department of Transportation extends Maine's cold-weather state of emergency

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Declaration allows longer hours for heating fuel drivers Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is waiving hours-of-service limitations for the delivery of propane and other heating fuel as prolonged arctic cold has increased demand. The federal declaration extends Maine’s state of emergency, originally set to…

Maine to get $5.4 million in LIHEAP funding this week

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Money released today represents remainder of Maine's LIHEAP funding for the winter Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today that the federal government is releasing the state's remaining funding for the winter for the Low Income Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The funding released today—$5.4 million—is on top of $33.7 million released in early November. The federal…

Congresswoman Pingree participates in White House round table discussion on climate change

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Meets with industry, Administration officials and calls for increased funding forclean energy development Congresswoman Chellie Pingree participated in a roundtable discussion at the White House today. "Women Leaders in Climate Change Finance" brought together political and industry leaders to discuss climate change and the challengesaround financing new forms of clean…

State Department decides to review any changes for Portland Pipeline

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree released the following statement on news that the U.S. State Department has said it would review and consider any change of use for the Portland Pipeline, including the reversing of its flow. “I’m glad the State Department is taking this seriously. The Portland Pipeline passes through the hearts of many Maine communities and along some of our…

Norwegian energy company pulling out of proposed offshore wind power project in Maine

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement after the Norwegian energy company Statoil announced they are pulling out of a proposed offshore wind power project in Maine. "It's extremely disappointing to hear that Statoil is pulling the plug on what would have been a multi-million dollar investment in our state. It's unfortunate that this major international company…

Headline Press Release 1

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