Consumers who don't complete process of signing up by today's deadline will get additional time to complete the application
On the last day of the official enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree says millions of previously uninsured Americans now have health care coverage and signups in Maine have surpassed expectations by over 50%.
“From the beginning, the main goal of the Affordable Care Act was to give more Americans access to health care coverage. Despite the rough start, it’s clear that the law is going to do that,” said Pingree. “What’s most important is the difference this will make in people’s everyday lives—to the family that doesn’t get bankrupted by illness, the mom whose breast cancer was found in time tosuccessfully treat it, and the young person who can get their life off to ahealthy start.”
According to published reports, at least 9.5 million Americans who were previously uninsured have gotten health carecoverage under the law, some through private insurance polices purchased through the health care exchange and some through expansion of Medicaid in some states.
"This is the single biggest expansion of health care coverage since Medicare and Medicaid were created fifty years ago," Pingree said. “Millions of Americans who couldn’t get insurance before because they were denied or couldn’t afford it are now covered. And millions more now have better policies because insurance companies are being held accountable.”
In Maine, over 25,000 people have purchased insurance through the federally run marketplace, over 50% more than federal officials had predicted. In fact, among the 35 states that didn't start a state-based exchange, Maine leads the nation in enrollment.
Consumers who have already started signing up will have additional time to complete the process if they run into trouble. After today, will allow individuals to still pick a plan and buy coverage if they first check a box indicating they had already started to apply before today's deadline.
“I’m glad the folks who have already started the process of purchasing coverage will be given the chance to finish. A good business owner doesn’t close the store when there are people in line for the register. I think it makes sense to give the customers a little extra time.”