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BIW awarded $57 million in contracts today

Contracts will provide maintenance support for fleet, design work on new class of ship

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said that Bath Iron Works was awarded two Navy contracts today for work totaling just over $57 million. One contract, for $28.7 million, is for fleet maintenance work on Navy ships. The other, also for $28.7 million, is for design and engineering work on the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS.) The LCS is a smaller ship designed to operate in near-shore (littoral) waters, carrying small amphibious assault forces, helicopters and equipment that allows it to perform a variety of missions, from anti-submarine warfare to mine-sweeping and intelligence work.

"Both of these contracts show how important BIW is to the Navy and to the nation's industrial capacity," Pingree said. "The experience the yard has in building and maintaining the fleet and their top-notch design and engineering skills are part of what makes BIW a world-class shipyard. It's no wonder the Navy continues to select them for critical jobs like these."

Pingree is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, which determines funding levels for Navy programs.

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