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Administration agrees to extend comment period on new food safety rules

Comments were to end today, Congresswoman Pingree urged delay because of website problems

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said today that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to her request to extend the comment period for new proposed food safety rules that could have a big impact on small and medium sized farms. The comment period had been scheduled to close today, but FDA has agreed to extend it by a week to November 22.

"I've talked to plenty of farmers and consumers who want to weigh in on these rules, but because of problems with the FDA website, somepeople haven't been able to make their voices heard," Pingree said.

Pingree, along with ten of her colleagues, wrote to the FDA this week asking for a one-week extension in the comment period.

Pingree has been critical of the proposed food safety rules and how they will apply to smaller, diversified farms like the ones we have in Maine.

"One-size-fits-all regulations will put New England farmers out of business. The size of regulation must match the amount of risk, and the loss of hundreds of farms cannot be an unintended consequence of the food safety rules," Pingree said at an FDA hearing this summer.

Go here for more information about the rules and links to submit comments.

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