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Dramatic increase in funding available for farmers seeking organic certification

Funding more than doubles this year thanks to Pingree’s efforts in Congress

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree welcomed the USDA’s recent announcement that $13 million is available nationwide this year to assist farmers with the costs of achieving organic certification—up from $5 million the year before. Pingree requested the increased funding in agriculture reforms she proposed in the last reauthorization of the Farm Bill.

“For small and medium-sized farms, the costs of earning organic certification can be significant. Even if a farmer already uses organic practices, the price can be a barrier,” said Pingree. “This year’s funding means that many more farmers will be able to go through the process without breaking the bank. The assistance will help farmers get a better price for their products, spread sustainable practices, and give consumers better access to the organic foods they’ve been demanding. It’s one of the reforms I fought the hardest for because I knew it would have a powerful impact.”

According to the USDA, Maine will receive about $228,000 in organic certification cost-share assistance for 2014—$20,000 that can be used for either producers or handlers, and $208,000 only for producers.

“Certification cost share is a crucial program for organic farmers in Maine and throughout the country. Congresswoman Pingree’s advocacy was key is seeing the funding approved, and we thank her for that. It will make a tremendous difference for thousands of organic producers,” said Ted Quaday, Executive Director of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association.

Details for applicants
• This year’s funding reimburses costs incurred between October 1, 2013, and September 30, 2014;
• Assistance covers up to 75 percent of the cost of a certification, with a cap of $750;
• Farmers should contact the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry to apply for assistance;
• More information on organic certification in Maine is available at

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