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DeLauro, Pingree amendment to ban Chinese chicken from school lunches included in omnibus funding bill

Provision would prevent schools, USDA from buying poultry processed in China for nutrition programs

An amendment introduced by Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro and cosponsored by Chellie Pingree that would ban the purchase of chicken raised in the US and processed in China for school lunches is heading to the President’s desk for signature. The bill passed the House of Representatives last Thursday and the Senate late Saturday night.

DeLauro and Pingree, both members of the House Appropriations Committee, successfully added their provision to abill funding the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) earlier this year. Congressional leaders then included the provision in the omnibus spending bill that funds the federal government that was passed over the weekend.

“Banning Chinese chicken from school meals is a common-sense step to protect our kids,” DeLauro said. “China’s food safety record is atrocious, yet last year USDA deemed poultry processed in China to be as safe as poultry processed here. Children are among the most susceptible to foodborne illness. We cannot take unnecessary risks with their health.”

"Chinese chicken does not belong in school lunches," Pingree said. "China has such serious food safety problems that even Chinese consumers don't feel safe eating some of the food that is processedthere. 

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