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Representatives Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree statements on Fairpoint strike

Representatives Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree issued the following statements on the labor dispute between North Carolina-based Fairpoint Communications and thousands of northern New England workers.

Congresswoman Pingree speaks at a rally for Fairpoint workers on strike.

"This company made an investment they couldn't afford and now they are trying to take it out on the thousands of highly skilled men and women who work for them. Fairpoint employees negotiated in good faith and made huge concessions but the company responded by raiding the retirement fund they had promised their workers, cutting their healthcare and outsourcing jobs. It's time for Fairpoint to come to the table, make a deal that is fair to workers and keep these jobs in Maine," Pingree said.

“The hardworking men and women at Fairpoint make the company what it is – it’s through their talent and tireless dedication that Fairpoint is able to provide the backbone infrastructure for much of Maine’s telecommunications network, including 911 services,” said Michaud.

“Fairpoint’s success is tried to its workforce, and I would strongly encourage its management team to consider that,” added Michaud. “No one wins in a stalemate – not the workers, not management, and not our state as a whole. Fairpoint employees have madeconcessions, and they deserve appropriate benefits and compensation for their work. I call on both sides to keep an open dialogue so that this strike is a short one. It’s in everyone’s best interests to quickly reach an agreement that treats FairPoint employees with the respect they deserve, allows the company to continue serving its customers, and keeps Maine’s businesses and communities connected.”


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