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Major federal investment coming to former Brunswick Naval Air Station

TechPlace will provide low-cost space for start-up tech manufacturers, create hundreds of jobs

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said this morning that the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority (MRRA) will receive a $750,000 "Make it in America" grant to help convert a hanger at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station into a tech center that will host advanced manufacturing companies. The new facility, called TechPlace, will provide low-cost office, shop, lab and workspace for aerospace, aviation, advanced materials, renewable energy and biotechnology manufacturing.

"This is exactly the kind of investment that is helping bring manufacturing jobs back to Maine and develop new industries for our state. It will give the redevelopment efforts at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station a big boost," Pingree said. "Converting this building into a tech hub will help create good-paying manufacturing jobs right here in Maine. It's a very exciting opportunity."

As well as providing a low-cost space for manufacturing and technology start-ups, MRRA is working with several partners—including Southern Maine Community College, Coastal Counties Workforce, Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and Maine Technology Institute—to offer training, supply-chain research, and technical assistance to support the developing businesses.

The business incubator will help create or support an estimated 300 jobs in the Brunswick area in its first three years. 

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