Press Releases
State Department decides to review any changes for Portland Pipeline
Washington, DC,
December 4, 2013
Energy and Environment
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree released the following statement on news that the U.S. State Department has said it would review and consider any change of use for the Portland Pipeline, including the reversing of its flow. “I’m glad the State Department is taking this seriously. The Portland Pipeline passes through the hearts of many Maine communities and along some of our state’s most valuable natural resources, like Sebago Lake. Any change in the pipeline’s use—including the transport of Canadian tar sands—should be reviewed closely at the federal level. While there are currently no plans to make changes, I think it’s important that the State Department has said that none could go forward unchecked.” In February of this year, Pingree wrote a letter signed by 17 House and Senate members asking the State Department to require a new permit and full environmental review before allowing the owners of the Portland Pipeline to reverse its flow to transport tar sands. |