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BIW wins $21 million contract for DDG51 work

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said tonight that Bath Iron Works has won a $21 million deal to extend its work on construction of DDG 51 destroyers. Bath Iron Works is the lead designer of the current run of DDG 51s and the contract will allow them to provide engineering and support work for the "follow" shipyard—the Ingalls Shipyard in Pascogoula, Mississippi.

"This is a great example of the phrase 'Bath built is best built,'" Pingree said. "BIW has done a great job as the lead shipbuilder on this contract, and it makes sense they get this additional contract to provide this kind of technical service to the other yard building these ships."

The contract for $21,192,127 is technically a modification to a previously awarded contract to exercise options for DDG 51 construction

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