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Congresswoman Pingree to oppose roll back of school nutrition standards

Legislation would roll back nutrition standards that have made for healthier school lunches

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said she will oppose efforts in a House bill to roll back nutrition standards for school lunches that are paid for with federal funds. The provision is part of the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that is being debated on the House floor today.

“If the federal government is paying for these meals, I believe we should agree that they should be healthy ones—especially in light of the health epidemics our kids are suffering today. These common sense nutrition standards have resulted in lunches that are healthier for students and made with real ingredients,” said Pingree. “Rolling them back would be a step in the wrong direction. I know this transition has been hard for some schools, but we owe it to our kids, and their futures, to keep moving forward.”

Pingree, a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, is supporting an amendment that would prevent schools from opting out of new standards implemented from the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010.

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