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Statement on speech by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree released the following statement with her reaction to the speech to Congress made earlier today by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“I took the opportunity to watch Mr. Netanyahu's speech to Congress today from my office with a group of constituents from Maine, and appreciated hearing the Prime Minister's passionate point of view. While I continue to support a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship, I don’t believe his speech happened at the right time or under the right conditions. ..."

Congresswoman Pingree watching Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech to Congress from her office with a group of Maine constituents.

“I took the opportunity to watch Mr. Netanyahu's speech to Congress today from my office with a group of constituents from Maine, and appreciated hearing the Prime Minister's passionate point of view.  While I continue to support a strong U.S.-Israeli relationship, I don’t believe his speech happened at the right time or under the right conditions.  It should not have happened so close to Israeli elections nor without the President’s consent.  But my biggest concern is that the speech undermines the ongoing work of our President and his administration to reach a deal with Iran that keeps them from obtaining nuclear capability.”

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