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Pingree joins King and top Obama official to announce investments in Maine

$640,000 in grants will create a natural resources capital fund and expand entrepreneur assistance program

Congresswoman Pingree with U.S. Department of Commerce Assistant Secretary and Senator Angus King at the announcement.

This morning, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree joined Senator Angus King and U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Jay Williams to announce two major investments in Maine entrepreneurs and small businesses.  
“We have many talented people in Maine who are working incredibly hard to turn their ideas and energy into successful businesses and new jobs for our communities. But making that happen requires both knowledge about running businesses and capital investment to scale up operations,” said Pingree.  “I’m very excited that the Economic Development Administration will support two organizations working to give entrepreneurs access to those vital ingredients. Focused on entrepreneurs and ventures with a high potential for growth, these investments will lead to the creation of many jobs for our state.” 
CEI will receive a $250,000 grant to help create a Natural Resource Business Seed Capital Fund to invest in young farm, food, fisheries and bio-based businesses with potential for high growth. These economic areas have been identified for their high potential for growth in Maine. Pingree helped secure funding for the project. 
The Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development will receive $390,000 to expand its successful Top Gun program to support promising Maine entrepreneurs through training, mentoring, and community networking.  Funding will allow more entrepreneurs to take part in the program and make it possible to continue supporting participants after they have completed it.  

Pingree said only 25 grants were awarded across the country.

"The fact that two of these 25 grants are coming to our state  shows how exciting and dynamic our small businesses climate is in here in Maine."

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