Press Releases
Scarce Broadband Access Hurting Maine Economy, Federal Investment NeededCongresswoman Pingree holds roundtable in Rockland to collect feedback and outline federal opportunities to improve access
Washington, DC,
April 10, 2017
“I think most people would be surprised to know just how far Maine lags behind the rest of the nation for broadband speed and availability: 49th out of 50. This is more than just an inconvenience for users—it’s a serious handicap for our state’s economy,” said Pingree. “If Maine’s high-tech industries are going to compete with other states, we need to drastically upgrade our broadband infrastructure. Today’s event was a great chance to get feedback on the issue from stakeholders—especially on how it affects rural communities—and talk about some of the things I’m doing in Washington to help Maine access federal broadband investments.” Bri Warner, Director of Economic Development at the Island Institute, a coalition member, spoke about the economic potential of improving broadband speeds and access. “Many island and remote coastal businesses are unable to expand their customer base or even access online credit card processing because of the slow Internet infrastructure,” Warner said. “Improved broadband infrastructure would provide opportunities for jobs in communities where limited career options are available and allow for residents to seek remote employment. It also would allow people access to remote adult education opportunities and career development trainings.” Maine broadband statistics
Pingree working to make Maine more competitive for federal broadband investments A member of the House Rural Broadband Caucus, Pingree is working in several ways to grow federal broadband investments and make them more accessible to Maine. These efforts include: