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Press Releases

Disappointed in Further Delay of USDA Organic Animal Welfare Rule

Today, despite 14 years of public input, the Trump Administration further postponed implementation of a new organic animal welfare rule until November—putting consumer confidence and economic opportunities for organic farmers in jeopardy.

Today, despite 14 years of public input, the Trump Administration further postponed implementation of a new organic animal welfare rule until November—putting consumer confidence and economic opportunities for organic farmers in jeopardy. In response Congresswoman Chellie Pingree issued the following statement:

“It’s disappointing to see the USDA once again kick the can down the road on the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule. The agency does not need to solicit additional public comments on a rule that was consumer-driven and took 14 years to finalize. The organic market is thriving and creating new opportunities for American farmers. Now more than ever we need to maintain organic integrity and push for a uniform standard that levels the playing field for all farmers. I urge USDA to preserve consumers' trust in the organic label and let the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rule go into effect as soon as possible.”

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