With the U.S. House expected to vote today on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) issued the following statement to voice her staunch opposition to the bill and outline the dangers it presents for all Americans.
“Cancer doesn’t care who you voted for. Health care access is non-partisan. Disease and medical bills come for you whether you voted for Hillary, Trump, Bernie, or no one at all. The Republican health care bill spells trouble for all Americans. It will deny 133 million people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable coverage, 24 million people will immediately lose health insurance, older Mainers could be charged up to five times more for coverage—all while giving a huge tax cut to the top 400 earners in the U.S., including President Trump. Republicans have long said that they are the party of fiscal responsibility, but we do not even know what this bill, which impacts 1/6 of our GDP, will cost the taxpayers. This bill is reckless, will harm millions of Americans, and our economy. I will be an emphatic vote against the AHCA today."
Throughout the day, Pingree plans to release behind-the-scenes videos on Twitter and Facebook in order to keep her constituents updated on the status of AHCA, which will directly affect their health and economic wellbeing.
As of right now, a final vote on AHCA is tentatively scheduled for 1:30 pm.