Deadline June 17, 2016. Funds are to support national urban and community forestry projects on nonfederal public land that have a national or multi-state impact and application.
Agency: Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Closing Date for Applications: Jun 17, 2016
Eligible Applicants:
Private institutions of higher education
Independent school districts
State governments
Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Special district governments
City or township governments
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
County governments
Description: Available Funding: The U.S. Forest Service anticipates that the statutory authority (Sub Title 9 of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act) for the Fiscal Year 2017 Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) Program may provide, approximately $900,000 in grant funds to be awarded through the 2017 National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost-Share Grant Program. Funds are to support national urban and community forestry projects on nonfederal public land that have a national or multi-state impact and application. All awards are based on the availability of funding, which may be subject to change.Eligible Applicants: Any U.S. non-Federal organization and Tribal agencies, operating within the United States or its territories, may apply for the Challenge Cost-Share grant. While collaboration with Federal agencies is encouraged, a Federal agency may not receive funding or be used as match to the Federal funds being requested. Individuals and private land are not eligible. Proposals are required to address National or multi-state, multi-tribal land urban forestry issues. The Forest Service will address any conflicts of interest.Not Eligible: If an entity has a local/State tree-planting projects, capital improvements to property of any ownership, and/or projects that have only a local impact and applicability are not eligible and they should contact their State Urban and Community Forestry Coordinator for assistance in identifying funding alternatives at the local level. The list of State Coordinators may be found at the following website: State Urban Foresters' Contact List