Local Workforce Board project will serve 100 individuals over next two years in efforts to reduce recidivism
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that Coastal Counties Workforce Inc. (CCWI)--the local workforce board’s non-profit entity--would receive a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to establish a job center at Cumberland County Jail. Pingree pushed for the grant with the Department of Labor.
“I’m very excited that this innovative project will provide job counseling to inmates to ease their transition back into the community and reduce their risk of re-offending. This kind of transitional support is one the best things we can do to help these individuals get their lives back on track while reducing crime in our communities and keeping people out of the jail system, which saves money over the long term,” said Pingree. “Coastal Counties Workforce and its public and private sector partners did a great job winning this competitive grant.”
Funded through the Linking to Employment Activities Pre-Release (LEAP) program, the Portland site is one of only 20 demonstration projects being funded around the country to offer pre- and post-release jobservices to inmates.
With funding, CCWI will establish an American Job Center at the jail to help soon-to-be-released inmates prepare for and find employment. Individuals will be able to receive follow-up services after their release as well. The program is expected to serve 100 inmates over two years.
“This population is one of our most in need and our formula funding is simply not enough to address their unique employment barriers.” said Mike Bourret of CCWI. “We are very excited to be able to assist this population.”
CCWI’s partners in the project include Goodwill Industries of Northern New England, Cumberland County Jail, Maine Department of Corrections, City of Portland, Catholic Charities, and local employers.