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Former Governor Joe Brennan to watch Pope's address to Congress as guest of Congresswoman Pingree

Over 600 Mainers entered lottery for tickets to watch from lawn of the Capitol

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree has invited former Governor and Congressman Joe Brennan to join her in the U. S. House of Representatives for the historic address from Pope Francis this week.  Brennan will sit in the gallery of the House during the Pope's speech.
"Joe has served our state as Attorney General, as Governor and in Congress," Pingree said.  "Not to mention the fact that he has 16 years of Catholic school under his belt.  I'm thrilled that he will be in the House Chamber during the Pope's address."
Pingree also held a lottery for 50 tickets to watch the address from giant screens on the lawn of the Capitol, and over 600 Mainers entered.  Pingree also invited former State Senator Anne Rand to join her at the White House for the official ceremony welcoming Pope Francis to Washington on Wednesday.
"The Pope's commitment to social justice, economic equality and protecting our climate are values I share and I'm excited that he will be in Washington totalk about those values with my colleagues in Congress," Pingree said.  

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