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FCC net neutrality proposal will protect consumers

FCC Chairman says internet should be regulated like a public utility

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said proposed rules that will regulate the Internet like a public utility are good for consumers and small businesses.

"These rules will go a long way to keeping the Internet free and open and prevent Internet providers from slowing down or speeding up certain sites based on who is paying them for faster access. It means big Internet companies won't be allowed to act as gatekeepers of your content," Pingree said.

Today FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler rolled out his proposal to reclassify Internet service providers (ISPs) as public utilities like telephone companies, and issue regulations that prevent them from discriminating against or favoring certain sites.

Pingree was a vocal critic of weaker rules proposed last spring that she said were a threat to a free and open Internet.

"This is a huge improvement," she said. "The FCC seemed like they were ready to abandon net neutrality last spring, but these new rules proposed today will protect consumers and small businesses who depend on fast access to the Internet."

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