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Pingree welcomes EPA decision to withdraw approval of toxic weedkiller

Has been a leading voice in opposing Enlist Duo and crops that have been genetically engineered to withstand it

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today applauded the EPA’s decision to withdraw its approval of Dow Chemical’s Enlist Duo, a toxic cocktail of herbicides glyphosate and 2,4-D. 

“This product—and the GMO crops developed to go along with it—has raised a number of alarm bells. From the onset, I’ve had grave concerns that it would increase the amount of carcinogenic herbicides sprayed on our food, lead to ever-stronger ‘superweeds,’ and eliminate habitat for species like the Monarch butterfly,” said Pingree.  “I’m relieved that the EPA has revoked its initial approval, citing new information that shows its harmful impact on non-target species. I will keep pushing the EPA to keep this product off the shelves for good.” 

Pingree has been a leading voice in opposing Enlist Duo as well as GMO corn and soybeans that were developed to withstand it. During the EPA’s initial review of the product in 2014, Pingree led a letter to the agency signed by 49 of her colleagues in opposition to its approval. 

The approval of “Roundup Ready” GMO crops in the 1990s increased herbicide use by 527 million pounds between 1996 and 2011.  Such widespread overuse of herbicides has led to chemical-resistant “superweeds” that are posing ever-increasing challenges to farmers. 

“When Enlist Duo inevitably leads to its own resistant weeds, I’m sure the chemical industry will have an answer—more toxic chemicals and GMO plants,” said Pingree.  “It’s a frightening, self-perpetuating cycle that needs to be stopped.”    

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