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$4 million federal grant for technology job training headed to Maine

Coastal Counties Workforces Inc. in Brunswick receives Department of Labor TechHire grant to help Mainers secure jobs in IT industry

Coastal Counties Workforces Inc. in Brunswick receives Department of Labor TechHire grant to help Mainers secure jobs in IT industry

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today welcomed the announcement of a $4 million federal grant for Coastal Counties Workforce Inc. in Brunswick to recruit, train, and place Mainers in information technology jobs. 

“This grant is great news for getting Maine people back to work in good-paying jobs that have bright potential for the future,” Pingree said. “The information technology industry is one of our state’s most promising options for filling the gap left by the loss of papermaking and manufacturing jobs across the state.  I’m so glad that Coastal Counties Workforce will receive this funding.  I think it not only will benefit individuals by helping them access these jobs, but will also be a major asset in attracting new businesses that need this kind of skilled workforce.” 

Today Vice President Joe Biden and Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez announced a total of $150 million in Department of Labor TechHire grants for 39 partnerships across the country.  With these funds, awardees will launch innovative training and placement models to develop tech talent, as a way to keep and create jobs in local economies. 

Below is a project description from the Department of Labor’s announcement.

Brunswick, Maine. TechHire Maine: Offering a Wide Array of Training to Young and Underserved Workers Looking to Enter Maine’s Thriving IT Sector ($4 million)
In one of the first statewide TechHire communities, Coastal Counties Workforce, Inc.’s (CCWI) TechHire Maine program will provide a host of services to train young adults and people who have been dislocated in their careers. Resources will include career coaching, paid internships, on-the-job training, and short-term, intensive IT boot camps. In partnership with workforce investment systems training providers, and employers such as Goodwill Workforce Solutions and Axiom Technologies, TechHire Maine will seek to recruit, assess, train and place underserved individuals into Maine’s IT industry in positions like computer systems analysts, software developers, and IT project managers. Completed training will also result in an industry-recognized credential for participants. 

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