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Pingree encourages farmers to register for upcoming USDA Census of Agriculture

With three days left until the registration deadline, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree is encouraging farmers to sign up for the USDA’s 2017 Census of Agriculture and make sure they’re counted.

“The USDA Census of Agriculture collects important information every five years about the state of farming in America and how it’s changing. In Congress, the data is key to shaping good policy decisions that reflect where we’re headed rather than where we’ve been,” said Pingree.  “The greater the number and diversity of farmers we have represented in the Census, the more accurate it is. I know it’s a busy time on farms right now, but I encourage any farmer who hasn’t participated in the Census before to register—it’s well worth the time.”

The deadline to be registered for counting in the Census is June 30—materials will be mailed out in December. To sign up, go to:

Taken in 2012, the last Census of Agriculture found that Maine had bucked national trends in several areas  The number of farmers aged 34 and younger had grown nearly 40 percent in the previous five years, the value of Maine products had increased by 24 percent, and the amount of land in cultivation had increased 8 percent.

Pingree has led efforts in Congress to continue that growth, ensuring that a number of reforms to support small- and medium-size farms were passed in the last Farm Bill. She is introducing several more ahead of the next reauthorization. A longtime farmer herself, Pingree is a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture. 

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