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Lawmakers blast FDA approval of genetically-engineered salmon and decision not to require labeling

Pingree and Colleagues Condemn Voluntary GMO Labeling, Push for Mandatory GMO Labeling

Congresswoman Pingree and Colleagues Condemn Voluntary GMO Labeling, Push for Mandatory GMO Labeling

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree joined other lawmakers today in blasting announcements from the FDA approving weak GMO-labeling measures that deny consumers the right to know how the food they purchase for their families is produced.

The FDA also approved the application for AquAdvantage salmon, the first genetically-engineered animal sanctioned for human consumption. The agency also determined that manufacturers of AquAdvantage salmon will not be required to label the salmon as genetically-engineered.
Despite polling demonstrating that 90 percent of Americans support requiring mandatory GMO labeling, the FDA moved forward with a decision to finalize the existing policy which does not adequately inform consumers of the content of the food they buy. The policy allows manufacturers to voluntarily label their products as containing ingredients from genetically-engineered sources rather than requiring companies to disclose genetically-engineered ingredients.
The group of lawmakers, which includes Congressman Peter DeFazio (OR-04), Congressman Jared Huffman (CA-02), Congressman Mike Thompson (CA-5), Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01), and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), are ardent supporters of GMO labeling and providing consumers the right to know what’s in their food. The legislators are all co-sponsors of Congressman DeFazio’s bill, the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act, legislation that would require mandatory labeling of genetically-engineered foods, including genetically-engineered salmon.
"I'm deeply disturbed to see FDA take this unprecedented action approving genetically modified salmon, which could open the floodgates to allowing other GMO animals in the marketplace. And as if genetically engineering animals wasn't bad enough, consumers will be denied the right to know whether or not their salmon is GMO.  At a time when consumers are demanding to know more about what's in their food, FDA is caving to industry pressure and taking a dramatic and dangerous step in the opposite direction," said Congresswoman Chellie Pingree.

“The FDA’s decisions are irresponsible at best,” said Congressman Peter DeFazio. “The decision to allow the sale of genetically-modified salmon threatens the Pacific Northwest’s endangered salmon stocks and jeopardizes a major industry in our region. To make matters worse, despite widespread support for GMO labeling, the FDA would not require mandatory GMO labeling for these “Franken-Fish”, denying consumers the right to know if they are purchasing genetically-engineered salmon raised in fish farms. I will do all that I can to reverse this wrong-headed decision and protect the Pacific Northwest’s world-class salmon industry.”
“I am deeply concerned with FDA’s decision to approve AquaBounty’s application. This is not just approving a “new ingredient” concocted in a lab: by approving GE salmon, the FDA is allowing the release of a new hybrid animal that could pose a danger to our wild salmon populations, damage the ecosystems they live in, and undermine our domestic commercial fisheries,” said Co-Chair of the Congressional Wild Salmon Caucus, Congressman Jared Huffman. “Consumers rightly support domestic and sustainable wild salmon fisheries, and this product will create confusion. It has no place in our waters or on America’s dinner plates. I will continue to work with my colleagues and industry stakeholders—like Whole Foods and Trader Joes—who have already come out opposed to GE salmon, to halt this hazardous action by FDA.”
“Today, the FDA made the short-sighted decision to approve genetically-engineered salmon, putting wild salmon, our fishing families, and the health of American families at risk,” said Congressman Mike Thompson. Not only did the FDA approve GE salmon, but also made labeling of GE salmon products voluntary, undermining consumer choice and confidence. Americans have a right to know what is on their dinner plates.  Until rigorous scientific studies are completed and the health and safety of American families and future of imperiled wild salmon populations can be assured, these fish shouldn’t be in our waters or stores.”
“Consumers deserve to know what they are putting into their bodies and feeding to their children. Over 90 percent of Americans want to know whether the food they buy contains GMOs. FDA’s draft guidance for voluntary labeling of food from genetically modified salmon and its final guidance for voluntary labeling of food from plants are not an effective solution and leave consumers in the dark. I urge the agency to do more,” said Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.

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