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Pingree Announces FY2020 Appropriations Bill Secures Shipbuilding Work at BIW

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) announced that the FY2020 defense spending bill approved by the full House Appropriations Committee includes funding for three DDG-51 destroyers—one and possibly two of which will be built at Bath Iron Works (BIW). The bill also funds other construction projects at the midcoast yard. The FY2020 defense spending now moves to the House floor for a vote in the coming weeks.

“Since I was first elected to Congress, I’ve been a vocal advocate for Bath Iron Works. I’m pleased to once again join my colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee in advancing a defense spending plan that will secure shipbuilding work at BIW. We know that ‘Bath built is best built,’ which is why I am so glad that we’ve ensured that our Navy will benefit from this significant investment in the best yard in the country,” said Pingree.

The FY2020 defense spending bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee today includes:

  • $5.0 billion to build 3 DDG-51 destroyers 
  • $224 million to build future DDG-51 destroyers 
  • $156 million to build DDG-1000 destroyers 
  • $1.3 billion to build the FFG(X) frigate, of which BIW is a bidder

Since 2013, Pingree has served on the House Appropriations Committee. She previously served on the House Armed Services Committee.


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