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Rep. Pingree: Congress Should Continue Investigations, Move Toward Impeachment Inquiry

MAINE – Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) issued the following statement after Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a press conference today reiterating that President Trump was not exonerated by his investigation:

“Today, in his first public remarks since he was appointed Special Counsel, Robert Mueller reiterated the finding in his report that if he had confidence President Trump did not commit a crime, he would have said so. He was clear that Department of Justice policy prohibiting the indictment of a sitting President guided his decision. Whether this rationale is right or wrong, Congress has the explicit authority and responsibility to investigate.

“The 116th Congress has been stonewalled at every turn by President Trump and his allies as we’ve exercised our legitimate oversight power seeking answers on Russian interference in our elections and other matters. This President’s unwillingness to cooperate with Congress, particularly on a matter relating to a foreign attack on our democracy, is an insult to our system of coequal branches of government.

“The Constitution provides a process for Congress to hold the Executive accountable for wrongdoing because no one is above the law. As dozens of serious investigations into President Trump and his business interests are underway in state and federal courts, I believe it is in the public interest that Congress continue its own investigations in the face of unprecedented obstruction and move toward an impeachment inquiry.”

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