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Pingree calls President Trump’s Immigration Comments Racist and Sickening

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) released the following statement on President Trump’s racist comments about immigrants from several nations.

“President Trump’s racist comments about immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and countries in Africa are absolutely sickening, even for him. It’s frightening to have someone in the White House with this kind of ignorance and lack of compassion. He knows absolutely nothing about these people—the pain they’ve faced, their harrowing journeys, or their commitment to our country, much less the cultural vibrancy of the countries they came from. His words are slanderous to our legacy as a nation of immigrants. 

"My grandfather is part of that legacy. He came to America from Norway, where he met my grandmother and started a dairy farm. Today, I don’t think he would consider giving up paid family leave, health care for all, and the highest rates of education spending in his home country for a nation where the President so disgustingly discounts people who have fled natural disasters, genocide, and poverty to start over in America.” 

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