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Pingree Statement on Introduction of Third House Coronavirus Response Bill

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-01) released the following statement regarding the House’s third coronavirus response bill, The Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act: 

“The House coronavirus response bill prioritizes the health, wages and well-being of American workers and families.

“Senate Republicans are trying to use this crisis to fast-track a bill that will further enrich corporations. We are not bailing out wealthy corporate interests without preconditions, period. Less than three years ago Republicans in Congress and President Trump gave a multi-trillion dollar tax cut to corporations which resulted in some of the biggest stock buy backs in history and further consolidation of corporate power. We cannot use this perilous moment to make the same mistakes.

“We do not have another day to waste on the Senate’s corporate bailout plan. This is a time to lift up and support the working people and small businesses hardest hit by the toll of this crisis and the House’s third coronavirus response bill does just that.”

The Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act can be found online here.




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