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Pingree Announces $17 Million Grant to MaineDOT for COVID-19 Response

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) today announced the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is awarding the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) with a grant of $17,271,019. The funding was appropriated through the CARES Act to support operating expenses during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Now more than ever Mainers need a robust public transit system to help them access essential services. As a regular ferry rider, I know just how important MaineDOT is to ensuring Mainers are able to get to and from their homes safely, and how much these transportation services have been impacted by this continuing crisis,” said Pingree. “I supported this significant federal investment in our public transportation systems because without it too Mainers would be left without a way to pick up food, medications and other necessary provisions during this pandemic.”

Funds in this grant will be used for:

  • $11,587,797 for transit operations and administration to fifteen regional transit authorities;
  • $3,683.222 intercity operating assistance to four intercity bus operators operating in totally or partially rural areas of Maine and
  • $2,000,000 in operating assistance to the Maine State Ferry Service.



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