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Pingree Co-Sponsors Legislation to Promote Carbon Sequestration Markets for Farmers

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) today released the following statement on her co-sponsorship of H.R. XX, the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2020, legislation to promote climate-friendly agricultural practices by increasing farmers’ access to carbon markets:

“Farming has always been a risky business, but this moment is an especially tough one for farmers: climate change is creating unpredictable growing seasons, the economic recession caused by the coronavirus is shifting markets and demand, and trade wars continue to jeopardize our exports. That is why I introduced the comprehensive Agriculture Resilience Act earlier this year. As Congress prepares our coronavirus economic recovery packages, we must use this moment to rethink everything from our broken supply chains to recognizing the critical role that farmers play in moving forward on climate change solutions.  

“Facilitating participation in carbon markets is a key way to support farmers in the important role they play in climate solutions and increasing farm income. I’m proud to join a bipartisan, bicameral group of my colleagues on the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which is just one of the bills Congress must pass to support farmers weathering both our economic and environmental crises.”


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