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Pingree Announces $184,907 USAID Grant to Maine’s Konbit Sante to Support Haitian Hospital

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) today announced a federal grant totaling $184,907 from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to Konbit Sante in Falmouth. The funding will support a pediatric ward in the largest governmental hospital north of Port-au-Prince.

“Congratulations to Konbit Sante for the award of this meaningful USAID grant. This funding will provide the Justinian Hospital in Cap Haitien, Haiti, with the tools they need to keep up their electrical systems and ensure their continued operation and maintenance. Thanks to the team at Konbit Sante for your commitment to developing a sustainable health system to meet the needs of the Cap-Haitien community with maximum local direction and support,” said Pingree. 

The award will provide operation and maintenance support to the USAID constructed pediatric ward in the Justinian Hospital (JHU) in Cap Haitien, Haiti.  More specially, Konbit Sante will repair the electrical system and provide operational training to the pediatric ward maintenance team to ensure the continued operation and maintenance. 

Konbit Sante works to build a stronger, more sustainable health care system in Cap-Haitien, the second-largest city in Haiti and a sister city to Portland, Maine.



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