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Pingree Announces Awards from Northern Border Regional Commission for Vinalhaven Downtown Resilience Project, Greater Augusta Utility District

WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) announced today that Vinalhaven has been awarded a $1 million State Economic & Infrastructure Development (SEID) grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) to upgrade the town’s downtown stormwater drainage, sewer, and water system and repair the sidewalk, crosswalk, parking, and boat launch along Main Street. Pingree also announced a $1 million SEID grant for the Greater Augusta Utility District to make sewer upgrades.


“Through my role on the House Appropriations Committee, I proudly advocated for this critical funding to support Vinalhaven’s long-term climate resilience and working waterfront,” said Congresswoman Pingree. “As a year-round Maine islander, I’ve seen firsthand how our island communities are particularly hard hit by the climate crisis. This significant grant will go a long way to ensure infrastructure upgrades are made to prevent future flooding and support Vinalhaven’s robust marine and tourism economies.”


Other 2021 Northern Border Regional Commission’s State Economic & Infrastructure Development grantees supporting Maine’s First District include: 


Greater Augusta Utility District 

Award: $1,000,000 

Purpose: The project replaces a 900 foot long 8" sewer utility crossing of the Kennebec River with 16" pipe, provides water system looping resiliency with 6,300 feet of 12" and 16" pipe, and increases fiber optic system reliability with 15,000 feet of new fiber cable.


Axiom Education & Training Center

Award: $150,000 

Purpose: Axiom Education and Training Center proposes to continue digital literacy/computer skills learning for approximately 10,000 adult learners throughout Maine to develop workforce skills that will increase employability of participants who will be better qualified.


Pingree has been a member of the House Appropriations Committee since 2013 and has served as Chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies since January 2021. 


Established by Congress in 2008, the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) is a partnership between the federal government and the States of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. The mission of the NBRC is to fund economic development and infrastructure projects throughout designated counties in its four-state service area. The governance of the NBRC is based on the Appalachian Regional Commission model created in the 1960s.



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