Press Releases
Appropriations Subcommittee Approves Fiscal Year 2023 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Funding BillLegislation creates jobs, confronts climate change, supports infrastructure on tribal lands, and ensures access to safe drinking water
June 21, 2022
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies today approved by voice vote its fiscal year 2023 funding bill. In total, the bill includes $44.8 billion in regular appropriations, an increase of $6.8 billion – 18 percent – above the FY 2022 enacted level. There is also an additional $2.55 billion of funding provided under the fire suppression cap adjustment. The legislation:
The bill next heads to the full Committee for markup. “In my first fiscal year as Interior Chair, I’m incredibly proud that we were able to make unprecedented investments to fight the climate crisis, return science as the foundation for decision-making, dedicate the highest level of federal funding to the arts and humanities ever, and continue our commitment to tribal nations. I’m eager to build on these successes,” Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Chellie Pingree (D-ME-01) said. “Supported by President Biden’s ambitious request to increase funding over last year, I’m confident the FY2023 Interior Appropriations bill will further the United States’ commitment to clean energy, environmental justice, health infrastructure on tribal lands, and the arts. Through investments in clean energy technology, climate mitigation programs, and by restoring environmental protection, the Interior bill will take a whole-of-government approach to securing a safe and habitable world for future generations.” “We are in the middle of a climate crisis. All around the world, climate change is fueling conflicts over scarce resources, forcing families from their homes, and increasing human suffering. With this bill, House Democrats are confronting this crisis while creating good-paying American jobs,” Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) said. “The 2023 Interior Appropriations bill expands environmental enforcement, so we can crack down on polluters—often the biggest corporations—who all too often escape the consequences for the damage they cause leaving working and middle class families to pay the price. I am also pleased that this bill honors our commitment to Native American families with increases in investments in health and education for tribal communities. The funding in this bill will revitalize our economy while protecting and preserving the land for future generations.” A summary of the fiscal year 2023 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies bill is . The text of the draft bill is here. In keeping with the Appropriations Committee’s commitment to transparency, information on Community Project Funding in the bill is here. ### |