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Pingree Joins Colleagues in Pushing State Dept to Halt Displacement of Palestinians

Maine’s 1st District Congresswoman Reiterated Her Push for a Bilateral Permanent Ceasefire

Today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) is reinforcing her call for a permanent bilateral ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war, urging the State Department to affirm the United States’ strong opposition to displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, and harshly criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after he reportedly rejected President Biden’s push for Palestinian sovereignty.   

“Israel and Hamas are no closer to peace than when I called for a ceasefire months ago. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s reported recent statements badly undermine the only path for lasting peace: a two-state solution. These statements call into question his government’s ability to end this war and achieve peace,” said the Congresswoman who called for a bilateral permanent ceasefire last November.

Pingree joined 56 House colleagues in sending a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging the State Department to affirm the United States’ strong opposition to the forced and permanent displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, and to support an increase in humanitarian aid to the region. Since the brutal Hamas attack on October 7, over 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced due to the ongoing conflict. 

“We urge you to continue to reiterate the United States’ firm commitment to this position and ask that you provide clarification regarding certain provisions of the administration’s supplemental humanitarian and security funding request,” the lawmakers wrote. “Any forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza would only exacerbate the trauma and pain Palestinian civilians in Gaza are already experiencing as a result of this conflict and cause more regional tension and conflict for decades to come.” 

The lawmakers also asked Secretary Blinken for clarity around President Biden’s supplemental humanitarian and security funding request transmitted to Congress on October 20, which requested funding to “address potential needs of Gazans fleeing to neighboring countries.” 

“In light of the President’s recognition of the importance of preventing Palestinian displacement, we aim to prevent any confusion or misinterpretation that this funding request could in any way signal U.S. support for potential transfer of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip,” the lawmakers continued. “We ask for a clarification of the U.S. position on this question and that you continue to make clear American opposition to any forced transfer of population to both the Israeli government and the Palestinian people.” 

Citing the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the lawmakers also urged Secretary Blinken to support the increase of humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip to address the humanitarian catastrophe. 

“The United States must ensure that there is no question that Palestinian civilians who wish to remain in the Gaza Strip have the right to do so,” the lawmakers wrote. 

A full copy of the letter can be found here.


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