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Pingree Announces Nearly $1 Million for Trekkers Youth Hub

The Community Project Funding secured by Pingree will support a thriving community hub for youth development in Rockland

  • Trekkers

Maine First District Congresswoman Chellie Pingree today announced $921,250 in Community Project Funding (CPF) for Trekkers, a non-profit, outdoor-based mentoring program, to support a thriving community hub for youth development. The funding, which was approved today with House passage of the Fiscal Year 2024 government funding bill, is among more than $16.7 million in funding for 15 First District projects

“For nearly three decades, Trekkers has improved the lives of Maine youth through unique and profound experiences built on embracing self-expression and community engagement. As we continue to see young people in Maine and across the country struggle with their mental health, having access to a safe, supportive space is invaluable not only for students, but for our communities as a whole,” said Pingree. “This federal funding I proudly fought to secure will transform and support Trekkers’ youth mentorship program, uplifting young people of Maine now and for generations to come.”

Trekkers will use the funding to transform three acres of land and an existing building from an unused garden shop to a thriving community hub for youth development, which will house Trekkers' training and youth mentoring programs. The project will renovate the existing building, construct a multi-use structure to house three school buses and provide flexible youth programming space, and update the grounds to include parking and outdoor classroom/meeting spaces. Both the office renovation and program barn construction will help Trekkers scale their model to help youth development practitioners across the state leverage high-quality, long-term mentoring to support youth outcomes. 

“This is a transformational event in Trekkers’ 30 year history. Trekkers provides young people with the real connection and support needed to thrive in adolescence and later as an adult, and  promotes higher academic and social-emotional outcomes,” said Amie Hutchison, Trekkers Executive Director. “This funding will help build the thriving campus needed to positively impact students, families, and our community for years to come.”


Each year, the United States Congress considers and enacts annual appropriations bills that provide the federal government with the funding it needs to operate. In 2021, the House Appropriations Committee reestablished Community Project Funding after the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress found that congressionally directed spending boosted bipartisanship, facilitated member-to-member cooperation, and gave members an equal stake in the success of appropriations bills.

For the 2024 Fiscal Year, each House member was permitted to submit 15 projects for consideration, which had to be thoroughly vetted and publicly disclosed on their website.

Pingree has been a member of the House Appropriations Committee since 2013 and is Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.


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