Press Releases
House Farm Bill Fails to Pass
Washington, DC,
May 18, 2018
Food and Agriculture
“I’m glad this partisan legislation did not pass. It would have taken food assistance away from millions of Americans, weakened environmental stewardship of the nation’s farmlands, and left Maine farmers and rural communities ill-prepared for the challenges and the opportunities of the next five years. ..."
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) released the following statement after the House voted down the GOP’s partisan Farm Bill today. “I’m glad this partisan legislation did not pass. It would have taken food assistance away from millions of Americans, weakened environmental stewardship of the nation’s farmlands, and left Maine farmers and rural communities ill-prepared for the challenges and the opportunities of the next five years. "When it comes to food, there is much we can agree on. It was foolish to turn this Farm Bill into such a partisan debate and shut Democrats out of the process—its failure today is proof of that. I hope now we can start over and work on a bipartisan Farm Bill that better serves our communities, farmers, and environment." A member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Pingree spoke on the floor several times this week in opposition to the bill. On the bill’s anti-environment provisions. Featuring story of Maine farmer Josh Girard to highlight mandatory funding cuts to programs that have invested million of dollars in Maine farms and rural businesses. Against an amendment to cut funding for Value Added Producer Grants, which have been highly successful in helping Maine farmers increase their revenue and create jobs. |