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$650,000 in federal infrastructure grants coming to Winslow and Rockland

Congresswoman Pingree has advocated for the program in Congress

Winslow will receive $300,000 for a business park expansion project, and Rockland's $350,000 investment will renovate a local fish pier.

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that Winslow and Rockland will receive $650,000 in federal infrastructure investments from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC), a program she has advocated for in Congress. 

“The investments being made today will directly support and create jobs for our state by making economic growth possible. In Rockland, an aging fish pier that’s vital to the working waterfront will get a much-needed upgrade. Funding will also allow businesses at the Winslow Business Park to expand and create new jobs,” said Pingree.  “The Northern Border Regional Commission continues to be a critical source of economic development and infrastructure funding in Maine, which is why I am helping lead efforts in Congress to reauthorize this program.” 

Created by Congress in 2008, the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) is a Federal-State partnership whose mission is to help alleviate economic distress throughout the northern counties of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. 

Pingree is a lead cosponsor of a bill recently introduced by New Hampshire Congresswoman Annie Kuster to extend the NBRC’s authorization by five years.

Local Grant Details

A 1,500-foot left turning lane to the Winslow Business Park will be constructed.
This lane is required by Maine Department of Transportation before two
companies in Business Park, which plan to create a total of 110 new
positions, are allowed to expand.

The city’s fish pier will be renovated to better serve current fishing activities
and boat pier will be expanded to serve the growing cruise ship activity.

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