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Congresswoman Pingree announces support for Iran nuclear deal

Congresswoman Chellie Pingree released the following statement today, announcing that she plans to vote in support of an international agreement to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. 

“I commend President Obama and Secretary Kerry for reaching such a strong deal with Iran that is backed by key members of the international community. This agreement makes it extremely unlikely that Iran would try to develop a nuclear weapon or that it could even make an attempt without us finding out early on.  Not only would there be close inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities, but of all links in its supply chain.  And, as far as incentives go, Iran would have much more to lose than to gain by breaking the agreement.

“The alternatives to this deal simply aren’t acceptable—either continuing to stay in the dark about what Iran is doing or going down the road to potential military action.  This plan represents the best way forward.”

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