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Republican leaders should abandon extreme measures in budget proposal

Ideologically-driven provisions leading to possible government shutdown

Today Congresswoman Chellie Pingree urged Republican leaders to take divisive attacks on women's health and environmental programs off the table to prevent an imminent government shutdown.

"This has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. It has everything to do with advancing a radical social agenda that isn't in line with the values of most Americans," said Pingree. "Republicans are using the threat of shutdown as a chance to sidestep serious debate on their fringe issues. The American people should have a chance to voice their concerns on this huge shift to deny women health care and let polluters dirty our air. Instead, they're getting ransom demands in exchange for the government programs they rely on."

Republicans have made proposals for cuts, only to increase those demands in later negotiations. House Republicans are now insisting on proposals that defund women's preventative health programs, removing funding to regulate air pollution, taking thousands of FDA health inspectors off the job, weakening support for education, and ending critical investments in our infrastructure.

Pingree has vowed to forgo Congressional pay during a shutdown. She has also set up a webpage with information for Mainers about the shutdown at .

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