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Food and Agriculture

Pingree Asks OIG About Scientific Integrity at USDA and Gets a Deeply Troubling Response

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At a hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture yesterday, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) asked USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong about scientific integrity at the department and received very concerning answers about fear of retaliation among researchers. In February, the Office of the Inspector General released the findings of a survey of USDA scientists…

Pingree Cosponsors Legislation to Address Farmer Mental Health Crisis

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) has signed on as an original cosponsor of the Stemming the Tide of Rural Economic Stress and Suicide (STRESS) Act. Introduced by Representatives Emmer (R-MN) and O’Halleran (D-AZ), the bill would reauthorize the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, devoting resources to assist farmers coping with mental health issues and thoughts of…

Reps. DeFazio, DeLauro, Kind & Pingree: USDA Withdrawal of Organic Rule Indefensible

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Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Ron Kind (D-WI) and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) issued a joint statement today on the USDA’s withdrawal of the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule.   “We are extremely disappointed that USDA withdrew the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices final rule. In doing so, USDA has ignored both the…

Bipartisan Group of Representatives Holds Congressional Briefing on Veterans in the Farm Bill

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The offices of a large group of bipartisan Representatives today hosted a discussion on programs in the Farm Bill that support farmer veterans and reduce veterans' food insecurity. The Veterans in the Farm Bill Congressional Briefing included a panel of federal agency representatives working on these issues and a panel that highlighted opportunities to expand this work in the Farm…

Pingree Meets With Secretary of Agriculture Perdue to Discuss Veteran Farmer Programs

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Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) joined a bipartisan group of colleagues today in a meeting with Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue focused on improving the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) efforts to recruit and train veteran farmers. NOTE: Photos from meeting attached. “Veterans and farming are a natural fit. As we’ve seen in Maine, these men and women…

Briefing Highlights Success of Produce Prescriptions, Which Pingree Bill Would Expand

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At the Capitol today, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) hosted a briefing on produce prescription programs, an element of the food is medicine movement that is proving effective at improving people’s diets and health outcomes by increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Launching a national produce prescription pilot program called Harvesting Health is one provision of HR…

Pingree Announces More than $1 Million in Federal Funding to Support Maine Local Food Economy

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PORTLAND, ME—Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) today announced over $1 million in USDA funding to support a number of local food projects throughout Maine, including a $500,000 award to build up Greater Portland’s food processing infrastructure.  “Increasing the production and consumption of local food represents a fantastic opportunity for Maine jobs and…

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