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Food and Agriculture

Maine community to get help from feds to develop and expand local agriculture

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Town of Unity wins competitive 'Local Foods, Local Places' assistance Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said this week that the Town of Unity has been selected as one of just 26 communities from around the country to participate in a federal initiative called Local Foods, Local Places. The town will receive expert technical advice to help develop and highlight the local agricultural…

Pingree condemns decision to allow new herbicide/GMO seed combination

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EPA decision today will allow big farms to apply a herbicide that contains a chemical used in Agent Orange New herbicide approved by EPA could lead to further declines in Monarch Butterfly populations. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree had harsh words today for a decision by federal regulators that will allow the use of a controversial new herbicide called Enlist Duo. The decision…

Maine receives $600,000 to help develop and improve local food economy

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Grants help variety of projects, including honeybee research and UMaine partnership to develop hops industry Projects include building the hops industry in Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced today that Maine will be getting over $600,000 in federal Specialty Crop Block Grants to fund a number of effortsthat will strengthen and grow the local food economy. Pingree…

New proposed food safety regulations better for farmers

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Pingree and others pushed FDA to modify regulations that would have hurt small, local farmers Find text of the proposed rules and links to submitting comments on the FDA's website. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said new food safety regulations proposed by the Food and Drug Administration would be less of a burden on smaller farmers than the rules the agency had originally proposed…

USDA approval of new GMO corn and soy is a step in the wrong direction

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Urges EPA not to approve toxic herbicide designed to work with new seeds Congresswoman Chellie Pingree expressed disappointment in the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) decision yesterday to approve the sale of genetically modified corn and soybean seeds designed by Dow Chemical Company and intended to be used with a toxic new herbicide. "Dow is making all sorts of…

Congresswoman Pingree on list of 25 Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink by Fortune and Food and Wine magazines

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Pingree #2 on list, behind head of UN World Food Programme Congresswoman Chellie Pingree was recognized today by sister magazines Fortune and Food and Wine as one of the "Most Innovative Women in Food and Drink." Pingree is #2 on the list of 25 women, behind Erthain Cousin, the head of the UN World Food Programme. The list, an extension of Fortune's "Most Powerful Women" series,…

Maine small businesses to create over 20 new jobs with federal Value Added Producer Grants

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Pingree fought successfully for a dramatic increase in funding in the 2014 Farm Bill Today Congresswoman Chellie Pingree announced that five Maine small businesses would receive a total of $471,571 in federal Value Added Producer Grants from the USDA. Funding for the program has risen dramatically—from $15 million to $63 million over five years—thanks to Pingree’s…

Pingree helps lead Congressional effort to block approval of toxic weed-killer

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New genetically engineered crops could drastically increase use of ‘Agent Orange’ compound With just weeks before a final decision is to be made, 50 members of Congress, led by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, are calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reject new GE…

Dramatic increase in funding available for farmers seeking organic certification

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Funding more than doubles this year thanks to Pingree’s efforts in Congress Congresswoman Chellie Pingree welcomed the USDA’s recent announcement that $13 million is available nationwide this year to assist farmers with the costs of achieving organic certification—up from $5 million the year before. Pingree requested the increased funding in agriculture reforms she…

New report shows Maine leading the way in farming revival

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State leads New England in farmland, sales up nearly 25% over five years Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture show that farming in Maine is on the increase, with Maine leading New England in the number of farms in operation. "The farm economy in Maine is alive and well and growing," Pingree said. "It's grown by almost 25% over five…

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