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Food and Agriculture

Pingree and colleagues lead bipartisan bill to protect sustainable use of byproduct from brewers

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Two Democrats and two Republicans offer bill to protect centuries-old practice Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and three of her House colleagues have introduced a bill that would prevent federal regulators from imposing harsh new rules on a centuries old practice of brewers giving the spent grain from the brewing process to local farmers. In October 2013, the Food and Drug…

Pressing top Obama Administration official on proposed rules that would hurtMaine farmers and craft brewers

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Says regulations "absurd"; FDA chief promises "reasonable solution" Congresswoman Chellie Pingree questioned the head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today about a proposed rule that would end a longtime arrangement between beer brewers and farmers that allows spent grain used in the brewing process to be utilized as cattle and pig feed. Pingree challenged Dr. Margaret…

Chellie Joins Kentucky Republican to Introduce Bipartisan Milk Freedom Legislation

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Bipartisan Coalition of 20 Lawmakers Introduces Legislation to Improve Consumer Choice and Protect Local Farmers. Congressman Massie (R–KY), Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D–ME) and a bipartisan coalition of 18 other lawmakers have introduced legislation to improve consumer food choices and to protect local farmers from federal interference. The two bills – the…

Pressing top Obama Administration official on proposed rules that would hurt Maine farmers and craft brewers

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Says regulations "absurd"; FDA chief promises "reasonable solution" Congresswoman Chellie Pingree questioned the head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today about a proposed rule that would end a longtime arrangement between beer brewers and farmers that allows spent grain used in the brewing process to be utilized as cattle and pig feed. Pingree challenged Dr. Margaret…

Feds respond quickly to Pingree's request to free up funding for farmers market vouchers for seniors

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Over 17,000 seniors take advantage of program in Maine; uncertainty had threatened this season's benefits Just hours after Congresswoman Chellie Pingree on Friday asked a top Obama Administration official about funding for a program to pay for vouchers that seniors in Maine and around the country can use to buy fresh food fromfarmers and farmers markets, the US Department of…

Pingree says Obamas and French President to dine on trout from Maine tonight as part of official state dinner

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Menu includes food from small and family farms in 13 states Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said that trout from Maine will be featured as part of the state dinner for French President François Hollande at the White House tonight. The hardwood-smoked trout will be served during cocktail hour in a dinner that features food from small and family farms around the country. "I'm…

Pingree says Obamas and French President to dine on trout from Maine tonight as part of official state dinner

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Menu includes food from small and family farms in 13 states Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said that trout from Maine will be featured as part of the state dinner for French President François Hollande at the White House tonight. The hardwood-smoked trout will be served during cocktail hour in a dinner that features food from small and family farms around the country. "I'm…

Farm Bill sent to President with local food provisions championed by Pingree

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Policies to promote local and sustainable agriculture good for economy, local farmers, and consumers Congresswoman Chellie Pingree said the Farm Bill that passed the Senate today contains numerous provisions that she authored and championed to promote local agriculture, sustainable farming, and help young farmers. Among the provisions included in the Farm Bill that Pingree…

Pingree opposes Farm Bill, says legislation does little to create real reform

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Food stamps cut, subsidy reforms fall short, but local food provisions survive Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted against the Farm Bill today, saying the bill cuts food stamps for the neediest families, doesn't do enough to create real reform to crop subsidy programs and creates loopholes that guarantee income for big agri-businesses. The final version of the bill passed by the House…

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